Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas!

So, now it's 1:35pm on Christmas day and we are all still in our pj's. That is everyone except our baby, Lauren. She of course has to be in a "dance costume" every second of her life. Santa brought her little dance slippers in her stocking and she was such a sight to see wearing those, a full tutu costume that Melissa has grown out of and scootering around on her little pink princess scooter that I just finished assembling (Santa got too worn out last night to assemble it, and just wrapped it in the box). Spencer and McKay got golf clubs and a promise from Jerem that a few lessons come with's looking to some fun father/son outings. We've all been playing Beetles Rock Band all morning that was a family gift and I have to admit that it's pretty fun. We've had to watch where we are walking though as the little boys got remote control cars and they are everywhere with them. With all the fun, relaxing, excitement of today, I'm glad we had a nice evening last night to talk about what Christmas is really all about.
(break for sledding at Grandma Pitt's.....and yes getting dressed finally)
We are all doing well. Rachel just made the Jr. high basketball team which she is sooo excited about. She also is still on a highly competitive soccer team which she plays goalie half of the time. She is such a great girl, and loving 7th grade in the big Jr. HIgh School. I'm not sure if I'm ready for her to grow up so fast, but it is so fun to see her grow and become such a wonderful young lady. Somewhere something happened right, and we feel so blessed to be her parents and let her be a good example to the rest of the bunch. She got her ears pierced this past fall and it's fun to see her liking pink and girly things now and keeping up with her Piano.
Spencer is so full of love. That kid has such a big heart. He enjoys soccer (most of the time) . He has started liking watching football and basketball maybe even as much as Jerem, so it's fun for the two of them to do together. He is often found out on our front lawn with his brothers and the other neighborhood kids playing football. He got a flag football kit for Christmas....hopefully the tackles won't be so rough now.
Melissa is so cute. She is always out to please. She has a love/hate relationship with her violin and practicing, but is getting pretty good after 4 years. She got a crocheted head band with a flower for Christmas with lessons from my friend to teach her how to make them. She is incredibly good with crafty things to do with her hands. She is the best singer on the Beatles Rock Band that we have played this morning. She tried soccer for the first time this year and is liking getting it all out on the soccer field.
Hunter is a cutie. He's been working hard on his tumbling, and can do some pretty amazing back flip/ twist things. He sure is a determined little guy. He also is enjoying soccer and started piano this past year. He can always find a way to crack us up, and we love him so much.
McKay is a bundle of energy and determination too. He loves to make booby traps and surprise you at every turn. He'll be 7 in a couple of weeks. He likes reading to me every day after school and also enjoys soccer and football. He's been begging me to take piano too, but I don't think I can keep up with another music lesson, but we'll see if I can just teach him a little here and there until summer.
Brigham can be found with a bandaid on his right thumb all of the time in efforts as he would say "so I won't be a beaver". Actually we are trying to help him stop sucking his thumb, and it's working as long as a bandaid is on there. He also doesn't want to look like a beaver. I sucked my thumb , so I'm incredibly nervous about him doing it too long, and am trying to help him now. He is soo cute. I love the little words and questions that he and Nathan come up with. They are loving their bikes and going to preschool with Mrs. Laurie. Brigham loves mopping our kitchen floor after dinner.
Nathan is also so cute. He is always buddy buddy with Lauren who loves him dearly most days. Nathan is also very articulate and corrects well anything miss-said by his two closest siblings. Like the other day Brigham said that if you are bad then you will get "uncle cool" (a term my brother Steve says is his nickname) for Christmas, and we all laughed, and Nathan quickly corrected him and said, "no that's a Lump of Coal". Nathan loves working with me to clean up and is good at being obedient. (usually if I can get one of the youngest three to come, then the others follow suit)
Lauren is pink pink pink. She loves all girly things. She shows us her "pingernails" every time Melissa paints them....which is often, yet holds her own with her big brothers. She is potty trained now...YES! I keep reminding her that she is Mama's baby and we both love it and snuggle on the rocking chair in her room as often as we can.
Phew...what a review. Jerem is doing great as always and is the super-glue that holds us together well. I am so grateful for him! He is always found rubbing my back of which I know he would love in return. He is wonderful at playing with the kids and doing the little things to help keep them happy. I have loved our talks about our lessons we have as we relish in the blessings of the gospel that we have.
I love keeping things as organized as possible and making yummy things to eat for meals (in between that I try to keep up on laundry, look for a little bit bigger home close by, make movies or do photography, study for lessons I teach for church, read to my kidos, nag them a little to do what they need to do, run car pools, check over homework, practice the piano and violin with the kids, watch games my kids are playing in, put bandaids on owies, put out figurative fires, sometimes practice the piano or violin myself, a little cleaning and even excercising) You know....being a Mom.
We have loved being around all of you this Christmas time and are as grateful as ever for such a wonderful family and support.
love, Jerem and Cathy

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Becoming Perfect

As I was running on the treadmill this morning listening to one of Pres. Eyring's conference talks from last conference, the thought came to me that I needed to share it with you all. So that is what I'm doing. The paragraphs below are just an excerpt from that talk which speaks about how we can ensure there are no empty chairs in the life to come.

Talk to you all soon!

In many of our homes, there are the words "Our Family Can Be Together Forever." There is a gravestone near my home of a mother and grandmother. She and her husband were sealed in the temple of God to each other and to their posterity for time and all eternity. The inscription on the gravestone reads, "Please, no empty chairs." She asked for that inscription because she knew that whether the family will be together depends on the choices each family member makes. The word "please" is there because neither God nor she can compel another to choose happiness. And there is Satan, who wants misery, not happiness, in families in this life and in the next.

My hope is to suggest some choices which may seem difficult but that would assure you that you have qualified for there to be no empty chairs in your family in the world to come.

First, I give counsel to husbands and wives. Pray for the love which allows you to see the good in your companion. Pray for the love that makes weaknesses and mistakes seem small. Pray for the love to make your companion's joy your own. Pray for the love to want to lessen the load and soften the sorrows of your companion.

Now, here is my counsel to children. The Lord gave you a commandment with a promise: "Honor thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee." It is the only one of the Ten Commandments with a promise. ...In every case, even if your life is not lengthened, its quality will be improved simply by remembering your parents with honor.

For all of us it may be hard to see in our lives an increasing power to love and to see ourselves becoming more like the Savior, our perfect example. You have felt it in your family when you asked the pardon of your spouse or forgave a child for some mistake or disobedience. These moments will come more often as you try to do the things you know Jesus would do. Because of His Atonement for you, your childlike obedience will bring a feeling of love of the Savior for you and your love for Him. That is one of the gifts that is promised to His faithful disciples. And this gift can come not only to you alone but also to the loving members of your family. The promise was given in 3 Nephi: "And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children."8

I hope you will go out today looking for opportunities to do as He did and to love as He loves. I can promise you the peace that you felt as a child will come to you often and it will linger with you. The promise is true that He made to His disciples: "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you." (Pres. Eyring, General Conference Oct 2009)

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Pitt Adult Christmas Party

Its that time of year again our annual Pitt Christmas Dinner
Here are the details for you all

December Tuesday 22nd
Dinner starts at 6:30pm
Reservations at the Biaggi's (located in the gateway SLC)

After we will be going to Jenny and Jasons for Dessert,
Present exchange, and to watch the 2009 PP movie.

We are sorry we are going to miss Ardi and Aaron and
Hyrum and Jenna. Hopefully everyone else can make it

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Where we live...

Forbes just came out with their list this year of the healthiest and unhealthiest states.  For some reason I always find this interesting so I thought I'd pass it on.  For those of us in Utah...yay!  For our Tennessee and Nevada residents...sorry. :)  But yay for Hyrum and Jenna--babykins is a cutie.

The Healthiest And Unhealthiest States

Rebecca Ruiz, 11.17.09, 12:01 AM EST

New England states top this new set of rankings, while the South still lags.

See: America's Healthiest And Unhealthiest States
This annual ranking, published by the United Health Foundation, looks at 22 indicators of health, including everything from how many children receive recommended vaccinations, to obesity and smoking rates, to cancer deaths. (Insurer UnitedHealth Group funds the foundation.) Scores for each state are determined by gathering data from a variety of government and nongovernmental databases and then calculating how much each state is better or worse than the national average for each measure. Click here to see the report. The below chart lists the final results in addition to rank changes in specific categories over the past 20 years.
5New Hampshire
10Rhode Island
17North Dakota
18New Jersey
20South Dakota
25New York
31New Mexico
37North Carolina
42West Virginia
46South Carolina

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Thursday, November 19, 2009

forgot to mention...

So, Jenny brought to my attention that for those of you who didn't know, Sam's and my one year anniversary was yesterday...hence the email I sent.  For those of you who didn't know that, it was probably a very random e-mail.  Sorry. :) 
love you!  Good luck hyrum and jenna getting babykins here!

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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I'm thankful for miracles...

I'm so words-can't-describe-thankful today for miracles, for the sealing power, for the knowledge that Sam and I really will be together forever.  Before we were sealed I always planned on it, prayed for it, hoped for it, wished for it, and felt that it would be, but it's just different now that we are really sealed as husband and wife.  What a wonderful, glorious day that will be...

I am also thankful beyond words for my two families.  Thank you, ALL of you, for your prayers, fasting,  unconditional love and support and acceptance of me.  I am so blessed to have such a network of love and support.  Thanks for believing in me and for being so good to me and helping this miracle come to pass.

And thank you to my husband Sam.  Thank you for loving me, always and forever.  Thank you for your patience (his patriarchal blessing says that his wife will teach him patience, but personally, I think it's the other way around :)  And thank you for working so hard in a work that is so important--for sacrificing this time we could have had with you because the Lord had important things for you to do.  I want you all to know that I believe that, even if I don't necessarily like it.  I still believe that Sam feels a sense of sadness that we are separated from him, but that he also has faith in NO EMPTY CHAIRS one day.  And until then, he has accepted this call--just like we sang at his funeral, "Called to serve HIM, Heavenly King of Glory, chosen heir to witness for His name."  Sam is a chosen heir and is witnessing and working in so glorious a cause.  I don't like the separation but as God has allowed us to feel, we really aren't that far away after all.  So, in the meantime, "Onward, ever onward, as we glory in His name...God our strength will be, press forward, ever called to serve our King!"  Whether that service is here or there, the cause is worth it.  And you are all invited to the Sam'n'Mary Hess mansion for brownies, rice krispy treats, and one super big fun party on a date to be announced...:)

Love Always,

Mary Elizabeth Pitt Hess

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Friday, November 13, 2009

A long overdue update!!

Well hello family!! Jenna here.. since so much has been going on lately, I figured you all deserve an update from the Vegas Pitts. Annnnd... just to clear up any false excitement... this is no baby post.. at least not yet!

Speaking of baby though... things are going well. I still feel pretty good considering I'm due in less than a week. The nurses at my doctor's office always act like I'm so over due ("what are we going to do with you???") but I don't mind it. Maybe it's because we have so many other things going on to keep me busy and preoccupied (and maybe it's the anxiety of delivery... probably both!)

So many other things like our HOUSE!! I know... I know... most of you already know, but just in case you've slipped through the cracks, we bought a house and it is wonderful! We moved most of our stuff on Halloween (we're learning quickly that holidays get overshadowed as grown ups... how sad) and then officially moved in the following Wednesday when we got our fridge delivered. It's been a blast unpacking little by little and remembering all the things we have that haven't seen the light of day in 4 1/2 months ("so THAT'S where our towels went!!) Anyway... you can read more - and see pictures - about the house and our latest adventures (of which there have been many! who knew home ownership was so demanding?) on our blog which is Like Miriam we probably update that one a little bit more... not that much though :)

Our other great news is that even though we live so far, we got to spend the weekend with Mary a few weeks ago!! It was SO fun and we even got to celebrate our 1 year anniversary (4 months late!) by going together to see The Lion King. We really liked it, and if nothing else it is so fun to get out and do something SPECIAL. As always, Mary was wonderful and was so patient with me as I flip flopped between blue and green paint over and over... (we settled on a bluish green :)

Work continues to go well for Hyrum... he has a lot going on there and we're trying to remember that it's a blessing to be busy. I finished the last of my Physical Science lessons (yesterday, actually) so that's a relief. All I have left is to take the final exam (eek) and I will be officially done! It's kind of anticlimactic when you "graduated" six months ago, but eh that's ok.

Things are really going well.. I stumbled across a journal entry while unpacking the other day.. It was written on a scratch piece of paper way back in February when we first found out we were expecting. It just reiterated and reminded me how blessed we really have been and I am so grateful the Lord has provided us with so much- how appropriate that it is the Thanksgiving season. We love you all and we can't wait until we can come up and see you all soon!! (and show off our new little guy - and see all the other new sweet things) We'll send updates and pictures as soon as anything happens... Love you!

Jenna and Hyrum (and no-name... we're still working on it... :)

ps... is it bad luck if the baby is born today on Friday the 13th!!?

Monday, November 9, 2009

Brown family blog

I just wanted to let the family know that we have our own blog that you can look up anytime. I definetly write more on my own blog then the pp blog so in case you didnt know the address it is. Just type that in and our page will come up. Love you all hope you are all doing well Love the Browns

Update :)

Hi Family!

I just wanted to give you a little update and thank you all so much for your calls, gifts, emails, and prayers. I still have most of you to call - and I'm so sorry that it's taken me this long!!! I'm just wondering how all of you do it - I'm so busy with these two, how do you do it with 4, 5, or 8 kids! We're doing great here, though. I'm healing up so much better this time around and I'm feeling great. This little Elizabeth is a little treasure to me. I can't even explain how sweet she is and how wonderful it is to know that I have a little girl to be there with me throughout life. What a blessing. Noah is doing a lot better with Elizabeth now and Ammon is frequently heard calling her his little princess, doll, etc. and kissing her head. He is so cute with her - you'd all love it. So, here are some updated pics. (even though they're old now). They're from her first day home. (I had to put in the picture of her hair - I just love the little curly cue - it's so girlie!)
Love you all and thanks for everything!

Monday, October 26, 2009

The name and why

Dear Family,
Natalie and I chose a name for this beautiful little girl this morning (Sunday) at 6:00am.  We chose Elizabeth Lois Pitt.  Elizabeth was in our top 4 names going into the delivery.  I was really neutral on a name, clear up until she came out.  Without even thinking about a name or 'who' she looked like, I had an amazingly strong impression that she was going to be named Elizabeth.  Now for all that know me, you know that I kinda just do whatever works, or whatever I want.  With Noah, he was Noah before we were pregnant and that was it.  Easy.  But with this girl, Nat and I were stuck.  After Nat got out of post op, we talked a little bit about what name to use or who she looked like.  Our top choices were Eliza, Elizabeth, Jane, Emily and Hannah.  Despite the impression that I had, I decided that I would let things play out how they would.  I really felt like Nat should have the major say in the name, after all, she's the one that has to go through so much to get this baby here.  Nat was undecided, and for the next few days we tried out different names just to see how they fit.  We finally got to come home, and were bummed to not have a name yet.  After being home for a couple of days, we decided to each come up with a couple of top names and just decide.  So just before I left for meetings Sunday morning, Nat said that the babies name should be either Elizabeth or Eliza and asked what I thought.  It was then that I told her about my experience of feeling so strongly about the name Elizabeth.  And that was it.  The neat part about it is that Elizabeth is in the family.  Though it's just a middle name, Elizabeth will always remind me of Mary.  Now Mary, you may think it a bit strange that your name would be special to me given you present state.  However, I will never forget that 'wonderful' year at Rick's College.  I can't tell you how many times I heard how amazing you were.  Beautiful, smart and so loving to all that were around you.  I remember in Provo when you got called to different positions in the ward.  You taught classes so great.  I loved listening to you teach.  So many people loved you there.  I must of heard 100s of times how talented you were, how beautiful you were, how kind you were.  The list goes on.  So Mary, we are honored to use your name for our little princess.
Lois is the name of Nats grandmother, whom we both adore and respect.  Lois was decided about 2 weeks ago, out of the blue, but we both felt really good about it. 
Anyway, thanks for all your support and love.  We sure feel blessed and are grateful for all you do for us.
With love,  Ammon, Nat, Noah and Elizabeth.

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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Baby Sister

The newest addition: 7 lb 13.5 oz.  Beautiful. Beautiful. Beautiful. Born at 8:08am Oct. 20th.  Potlatch just increased it's population by 10%.
We love you all and thank you for your prayers and support.
Natalie is doing heaps better than with Noah.
Noah is the best big brother and wants to see baby all the time.
I'm the newest proud papa with a little princess.
No name yet, we'll keep y'all informed.
The Pitt's of Potlatch

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Thursday, September 24, 2009

An Update from American Fork

So, since it's been a while since either Ryan and I have written an update on the periodical, I thought I would use a few minutes of this fine September day to give you a bit of a taste of how we are fairing down in Utah County. This is picture to your left is one we took on our so called "summer" trip. We went to the "This is the Place" Park for an afternoon. It was nice to do something together as a family, and we realized how important it is to take time out as a family. We are really looking forward to going to Washington for Christmas this year, for a full fledged family vacation

Did anyone say Soccer? That about sums up the bigger part of our lives these past couple of months. Our soccer season started about the first of August and will end October 16th. We love watching the games and seeing how our kids grow and shine in this great sport! Joshua makes a mean defender, while Rebekah gives anyone on the field a run for their money as forward. Lydia has some tricky foot work and is awesome at assisting the ball into the goal! Sarah and Matthias are anxiously waiting for their time to come. (technically Sarah could play this year as she will be in kindergarten next year, but the thought of four soccer games and practices and doing it with one car kind a freaked me out--so I gave myself a year for that :) ).

Sarah started preschool this month and is loving every minute of it! She goes three days a week which is something new to our family. I love having more individual time with Matthias and it also helps Sarah feel part of the big kid group!

What a birthday month this was! Between all of the family birthday's and all my friends I think that I had a birthday to remember consecutively starting Sept 10. all the way through this past Monday the 21st. How about we ban September for any more births? (just kidding) Really though, it has been a fun month of celebration. Thanks for a great visit to all you girls last Thursday. It was fun to visit with everyone and Sarah and Ty had a great time. Jenny--baby Ethan is such a cutie, thanks for letting me hold him for so long! Both Ryan and Matthias had great birthdays. Matthias got a plush Elmo for his gift and loved eating the elmo cupcakes we made him (I have to say they were pretty darn cute!) Ryan got to go to a Jon Schmidt concert with Joshua for his b-day, plus go on a mini date with me. We had a good time. We also enjoyed our visit with Mom Pitt on Ryan's special day. Thank you Mom, for taking the time out to come down!

Our lives are pretty routine besides that. We continue to keep busy with our callings at church. We love the people we serve and learn so much from them. Our kids are constantly teaching us what really matters, and we love all their questions, hugs and kisses.

I thought I would share my latest perspective on life. As Ryan and I have been working hard to more fully keep the commandments by living with in our means, we have come to see more completely what really matters. It's so easy to get caught up in getting or doing "stuff". We've come to see more clearly that at the end of the day it isn't going to matter if the latest technology sits in our family room or if the most stylish kitchen table stands in our dining room or if our children have the latest trend in clothes or toys--what will matter is our standing before the Lord and how we have treated one another. I know this is probably nothing new to anyone who reads our entry. But Ryan and I are deeply grateful for the lessons that have given to us through life.

We are looking forward to Conference weekend! Thanks for being a great family and the wonderful examples you set for us and our children. Our kids get so excited when we tell them we are going to spend time with cousins and such!

We love you!

Ryan, Jenn and the crew!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Brown update


Its been awhile I know. But better late then never I guess. So I guess I will start with the kids. Jack started kindergarten this year. He and I both wish he was in 1st grade, 3 hours just doesnt seem long enough. Mom kept telling me to sign him up for morning and afternoon class. They would have loved that confusion. Anyway he loves going everyday and having homework. Jack also started soccer again. Which he doesnt like so much. He really loves gymnastics. He got moved up to a higher class this year too, because he is so good. I know Jordan will die if Jack doesnt play soccer but he will probably have to get used to the rings more then the soccer ball.
Meg is also in gymnastics and dance this year. Since I stopped teaching dance, I decided to find a new place for her to keep up her dance. She had her first day last week and loved it.
She tells me everyday, "mom I dont want a baby, I want a doggie, can we get a doggie"
I think she is serious too, its been almost everyday this week she had says something about it. O well.
I am feel a bit better, but I have a bad feeling I might just have a rough time, the whole time. I try not to complain cause its what we have wanted for so long, but sheesh, why does it have to be so miserable.
Jordan it doing well at work, surprise surprise hes booked with golf tournaments all month. Exciting for him. O well as long as he still has a job.
Well there is the update for you all, hope everyone is doing well. Good luck to Nat and Jenna coming up, you'll need it Im sure. Jenny congrats little Ethan is a doll.
We love you all The Brown Family

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

FW: A video you might enjoy "The Government Can"


Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2009 17:20:01 +0000
Subject: Fwd: A video you might enjoy "The Government Can"

This video is hilarious!  It makes so much sense too.
Only 2 minutes long.  Sean will especially love it.
----- Forwarded Message -----
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 11:42:33 AM GMT -07:00 US/Canada Mountain
Subject: Fwd: A video you might enjoy "The Government Can"

May as well laugh so we don't go crazy.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Update from Jenny and Jason

Hey everyone, how's it going?  I thought that I'd write a quick update since we have been gone for so long.  We just returned back from Hebgen and I am already missing it!  I love being away where it is 20 degrees cooler and where the only things that I seem to spend time on are important things.  I love just being with my kids, enjoying the beautiful nature and not worrying about all of the crazy details of life that really don't matter.  Now that I am home it seems like I am consumed with phone calls, emails, regular mail, neighbor kids, cleaning, carpooling, etc.  I know that is normal life, but I am rethinking how I chose to spend my time. Going to Montana every year helps me put life into perspective and realign myself with what really matters most. 
Anyway, we had a great time.  All of the kids skied and tubed and loved being with cousins.  Preston and Jason went on a fly fishing trip where they hiked about a mile into a creek and then found some great fishing holes.  They caught about 80 fish!  Preston couldn't wait to tell Grandpa. 
Madison's baptism was so beautiful.  Thanks to all of you who came and for your great support.  It is so nice that our kids have so many aunts and uncles and cousins to look up to and to keep them in line. 
Kate is getting excited to start Kindergarten soon.  I keep on trying to talk her into letting my home school her, but she refuses!  I can't stand her leaving me!  I am definitely going to have withdrawal symptoms.
Tess is "still a baby," or so she tells me daily.  She knows what is going on and she is very upset about losing her position as the baby in the family.  She has totally reverted in so many ways--she likes to talk like a baby, she wants to sit in a high chair, she wants me to feed her, and, of course, she still refuses to go in the potty.  You would think that by now we would have this all figured out, but I guess parenting is an ongoing learning process!
We are so excited for the baby to come.  Although, I must admit, I am feeling very overwhelmed trying to prepare and get the house all ready and in order.  Hopefully we can get it all done in time.  I hope that everyone is doing well.  Know that we love you all and are so grateful for your love and support.
Jenny, Jason, Prest, Maddy, Kate and Tess

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Babies due, Sept, Oct, Nov. and now Feb.!

I officially saw the baby and heartbeat so I hope we are ok. Our due date is Feb. 28th I told Jack he may have to share his birthday! Anyway we are excited.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Trampolines, Birthdays and an Anniversary

So, since it's been a while I thought I would give a quick update on our family. But first, Ryan and I want to give a BIG THANKS to everyone at Bear Lake who helped our kids have a very fun and memorable time. Especially thank you to Mom and Dad for offering to take our kids under their wing. They had a wonderful time and they talk about it often!! If in any of your picture takings you come across photos of our children, we would love to have a copy!

June was a very busy month for our family, as I'm sure it has been with others. We celebrated Sarah's birthday at the beginning of the month. She got clothes for her doll, a sleeping beauty princess and some pet shops. She is quite the amazing girl. We love her zest for life even if it means getting up at the early morning hours to start the day. She has the most consistent body clock. Always up no later than 6:00 am.

June was also the month of the Trampoline. We decided as a family that instead of doing lots of little presents for Christmas we would do one big present, which was a trampoline. And instead of waiting till Christmas to get it we got it now. After the three hour setup we have been loving every minute of trampoline fun. This Christmas we will be enjoying less stress of Christmas shopping and more focus on the Savior and doing something different--we have plans to spend Christmas up in Washington State with my family. My sister Paula, who lives in SLC right now, is moving up to Washington the end of the summer! Sad! So I will officially have zero immediate family in the near proximity. I guess we'll just make sure we visit WA a bit more than we used to!

Ryan and I celebrated our 12th anniversary on the 21st this past month. We celebrated a couple of days before, by going to do sealings in the Salt Lake Temple and out to dinner at the Roof restaurant. We had a unique experience doing sealings in that we had a chance to help in sealing a family of parents to their 8 children all at the same time! It was a sweet moment and we are thankful for the privilege to have been a part of that event. Of course dinner was great and delicious! We sure enjoyed the evening out and the time together alone. Some year we would love to be able to get away for a couple days just the two of us! But, I guess that just isn't in the plan right now. We are so grateful for our marriage and all the joy and strength it brings us.

I think Joshua had about three birthday parties. The one up at Bear Lake, one at home the Sunday after with family and then just this week he had a friend party. He had a lot of fun being a "mad scientist" with his friends. We bought all kinds of ingredients that are fun to mix, especially vinegar and baking soda, and they got to mix and combine whatever and how much they wanted. It was a fun party and perfect for a group of 9 year old boys.

Girl's Camp was an amazing and challenging experience in one! I am so grateful for the opportunity I had to go, and that I could go with the help of my awesome husband who took the week off so that I could! It truly was a unique opportunity to be with the young women in a setting out of the craziness of the world and be able to focus on the things of the spirit without distraction!

In general we are doing great! We are grateful for the good harvest of our garden. It's been so fun to eat fresh vegetables and they taste so much better than store bought stuff! We've also been working on redoing the girls (Lydia and Sarah's) bedroom, so that there is more room to play in. Which translates to finding bunkbeds. Our neighbor down the street was getting rid of some for 75$. The perfect price for us! So this next week we will be painting and creating a fun new space for them.

Lastly, we've been very grateful as of late for all the help our Heavenly Father has given our family as we have incorporated a new budget system. We have truly been blessed as we have been able to live more fully in our means and to feel that we have a better handle and understanding of how our money is being spent and saved. We have found that it has been a blessing to our children, as they have had an opportunity to become increasingly aware of how to get the most for the money. When we were planning Joshua's party, we told him how much we had to spend for the party and then he came to the store to help get the supplies. It was a lot of fun and a good learning experience! This new budget has been a testimony to me that the Lord is truly mindful of each of us and our individual needs, and that as we call upon Him for help and guidance He will truly help us turn our weakness into strengths!

We hope everyone has a marvellous summer! We love you all and are so grateful for the examples you are to us! Thank you for being so wonderful!

Love Ryan and Jenn and family

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

So Jenna and I have been talking about when we will be able to come visit everyone in Utah. The best time for us is going to be over Labor day which is the first weekend of September. The only thing that will keep us from coming is if some of you are going to be out of town. Please email us your plans:) or

I had my first day of work and all is going all are great. See ya!!!

Jenna's Belly is growing....there is something in there :s

Check out this amazing US airfare offer by Southwest..

For our family members in distant places, and for family members who want to visit those in distant places...:)
Important FYI : Southwest is having a terrific deal on airfare for travel between Sept 9 and Nov 18. Every city is on sale, and it's based on the distance...under 400 miles is $30 one way ($40.60 with all taxes; $60 plus taxes roundtrip), from 401-750 miles is $60, more than 750 is $90. YOU MUST BOOK BY TODAY!! Just thought I'd let you all know in case you can use it! Go to

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Sunday, June 28, 2009

Double Thumbs Up for Bear Lake

What a great trip to Bear Lake we had! Thank you Mom and Dad and Jason for getting all of the details worked out to go. We will have many wonderful memories for years as we think about these times together! Here are a few of the best pictures we captured....more to show up in the Pitt Periodical Movie 2009 I'm sure. We love you!
Love, Jerem and Cathy, Rachel, Spencer, Melissa, Hunter, McKay, Brigham, Nathan and our very own "wave-runner specialist"...Lauren.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Old Navy Special

Yesterday, Jenna and I went to Old Navy to return a shirt and found that for fathers day, they are having a sale where EVERYTHING for men is 50% off. To give you an idea of what this means, I got some khaki's for $15 and some nice button up shirts for $12. I know its not the best sale ever but 50% is 50%. Anyhow, I don't know if this will help anyone out but for what its worth, I thought I would let you know.

P.S. I don't know if this sale is going on at all Old Navy's but it was in Provo so maybe call before you go.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Bring on the worms and dirt....

Because we're having a baby BOY!!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

It's A Girl

Hey everyone!!  Natalie and I found out today that we're having a baby girl.  Everything looks great, and the due date is basically the same, last week in October.  Cheers all around.
Ammon Nat and Noah.

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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

From the Palouse

Hey family,

Nat, Noah and I are extremely proud to say that all is well up here in the Palouse. As you can see, Noah is cuter than ever, and even though he still is basically speachless, he's our daily delight. Our latest adventure was a trip to see a 3000 year old ceder tree. As it turns out, we didn't quite make it there. You can see that we did get by at least one major obstacle. Two inches to spare! But the snow up high kept us from our final destination. The country was beautiful, and we all had a fun day.
As for the daily grind of things, I am still busy helping the Bishop out; making appointments, taking minutes and getting agenda's ready. Our bishopric is great, and I really have fun. Natalie is 'the glue' in the young womens. At least that's how the bishop phrased it. I would have to agree. The girls love her, the leaders love her, and she makes an impact for good everytime she is with them.
Work is going fine, though this past few days and these next few days sure have slowed down a bit. The people are great, and it's a joy to be able to serve where I can.
Noah is enjoying everyday more and more. He's getting more daring, and fun. At least I get to throw him around a little bit more aggressive than before, and he loves it.
We talk often about the lot of you down in Utah. We are excited to see everyone at Bear Lake. We wish you all the best.
The Pitt's in Potlatch

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Young Couple Survives Serious Attack from Giant Crocodiles

Hello Family!

Well, since so many of you posted we thought we would join the club! (thanks for the reminder email Ryan- the periodical was getting lonely).

So lately this is what's been going on with us (via pictures).

1. Graduation... kinda...

Contrary to popular to belief, we actually didn't graduate yet! We just walked so they could take fancy pictures (which Hyrum was thrilled about...) and go out to dinner with mom and dad.

During Spring term, Hyrum's taking two classes (plus beginning golf- watch out brother golf game!!) and still working as a TA. Jenna finished her internship (much to her delight!) and is taking about 4 classes of GE's she never finished (and regrets).

June 18th is our last day of finals and we will OFFICIALLY be done - as long as we don't drop out between now and then.

2. El Nino
This is our 15th week (which means Jenna is feeling much better.. which means Hyrum is feeling much better too) and we're heading into the second trimester! We heard the baby's heartbeat a couple weeks ago, which was amazing. We were a little concerned at first when the doctor took awhile to find it, but he did and said everything sounded great! We wish we would have asked him how fast it was so that we could better educate our guesses about boy or girl, but we should find that out within a month or so? (Sorry Alicia, we've sold out). We are really excited and can't wait to be parents!

3. CORE as in apple core, not Coor's light as mom thought :)

Well it is official, Hyrum has a job and will be starting work in the pre-construction department at Core Construction on July 6th-ish. He will basically be working to get the company jobs (which is good in this economy) and will be doing some financial and design work on the potential projects (that's a fancy way to say he'll do what they tell him to). He is really excited about what he'll be doing, and we are really happy to have found a company that is honest and that we feel good about. They've already been really helpful working with us and helping us to get down there and on the health plan so all will be ready at the move. Here's to real life!

4. Viva Las Vegas!

Along with that, most of you know we will be moving to Vegas after the Bear Lake trip (which we are stoked about!!!) We're thinking we'll actually head out June 29th and will move in with Jenna's parents for a few weeks until we can make an offer on a home. We say a few weeks with hopeful hearts that the process will go fast! :) We're really happy/grateful to be able to get into our own place soon and Jenna is really excited to be able to decorate our own place soon. While we know the summer will be hot, hot, hot (especially for the baby!) we will definitely be encouraging visitors (all of you!) to come in the winter months when our average temps will be in the 60's.

On that note, we are definitely sad to extend our commute to mom and dad's from 1 hour to 6 1/2 (don't let it discourage you from coming!!) and even more so, to be further from most of our family. But because this is beginning to sound depressing, we are going to move on! Just know, that we will be missing everyone a bunch.

5. We Love You!

I'm sure that there are more exciting things happening that we are forgetting to write about (but probably not..) So we will see you all soon at Fast Sunday/ Bear Lake!

P.S. There are no crocodiles. And, we attached a video we saw lately that we really liked. The beginning is a little strange, but keep watching and it brings a little perspective and a laugh. Enjoy! Click on the title to be linked to it.

Friday, May 22, 2009

From AF: Hey There!

Dear Family, Wow...the past few months have been a whirlwind like no other. Busy, busy, busy. Thankfully the Lord compensates us and keeps us sane amidst it all as we try and do the most important things first and keep a proper eternal perspective. As I (Ryan) have been a slacker in getting an entry out (Jenn and I take turns and it's been my turn for several months now...sorry!) I'll just do a short blurb on each of us:

Jenn: Jenn's plate has been full to overflowing lately. Who knew that Young Women's would entail so much time, energy, and emotion? She's doing a great job though and has some good counselors to lean on. With Girls Camp coming up, she's getting ready for that amdist preparing other activities, occasional Sunday lessons, helping adivsors understand their role (and not dip too far into the budget!), having 1x1 sessions with troubled young women, sitting in on missionary lessons for one of the girls...and the list goes on. Amazingly she still keeps up her primary role as a wife and mother and often sacrifices time she'd otherwise spend to relax for a few minutes to play with the kids, support her husband, and help others. She also just got done with the dance recital and choreographed some great dances for Lydia and Rebekah (Sarah has a different teacher). We just missed seeing her dance herself in the recital this year!

Ryan: Well, I got released a few weeks ago from the high council after serving in that position for 3 1/2 years. It was a difficult release and I've been coping with some feelings of sadness since I truly did enjoy all that the calling entailed (I admit though, after giving 40+ talks, I think I won't miss that). The bishop called me in just this last Sunday to put me to work as the Marriage and Family Relations teacher AND as the Outdoor/Activity Scout Chair. I'm not overly thrilled about the latter, but I think it will be fun to teach the Marriage & Family course. Other than that, I've just been busy at work (and still grateful to have a job after some massive layoffs) and have been spending lots of time with the kids in the evenings in support of my good wife.

Rebekah: Has enjoyed increased babysitting responsibilities, did a fantastic job in the dance recital, loves her friends, and is excited for school to be out! She's growing up faster than Jenn and I care to realize. But she sets such a good example and are grateful for all she does to help out and serve others.

Joshua: Is finshing up his soccer league (thanks to Mom, Dad, and Hyrum who saw him play), has been engrossed in origami lately (he's getting very good and he taught us all how to make a few things for FHE the other nights), loves playing with friends, and is happy to be in scouts.

Lydia: has caught onto reading (Junie B. Jones series) and is doing a great job learning lots of words. She has enjoyed her year at kindergarten but is anxious to move on to 1st grade. She's also enjoyed her year of dance...but...she's going to take a year off next year and try something new: Karate! Hmmm. We'll have to see how THAT goes.

Sarah: Besides going through a whiney/demanding phase lately, Sarah is a cutie. She will greatly miss dance class and preschool (as those were the highlights of her week...."Is it dance class today?" she's ask everyday when she woke up) BUT she is excited for some summer activities and loves dressing up as a princess, working on puzzles, and playing with Matthias.

Matthias: has made the transition to Nursery! WhoooHoo. Now mom and dad can enjoy Sunday School together. This kid just continues to grow and get into EVERYTHING. He also draws on everything. And his new found love is popsicles (as our kitchen floor with sticky spots can attest to). The big news on Matthias is he's going in for some ear tube surgery on Tuesday (26th) as he's had one ear infection after another for many months now.

We appreciate everyone's updates and for your love and support. Thanks to all those who were able to come to the dance concert. BY THE WAY, if you missed the dance concert, you can click HERE (Part 1) and HERE (Part 2) to see it on YouTube. Part 1 includes the dances of Sarah and Lydia and Part 2 includes the two dances of Rebekah. Enjoy!

Some pics from our trip to Zion's National Park:

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The countdown is on!

Hello family!

We find ourselves on the final countdown for summer YEahooooeeee! We are thrilled! We have had our last couple of months full of dance recitals and soccer games, which have been busy and fun to watch the kids get better and better and have fun. It's been a stretch some nights on the creativity of dinner. Thanks Hyrum for showing up to one of Rachel's state cup games in Orem....even if it was the one where they really got creamed.

Lauren has learned to really clap and say "go ____"! It has been fun to see Spencer move up to the 11yr old BOY scouts and Hunter enter into cub scouts with their birthdays. Thanks for all of the family support with Hunter's baptism.

This is truly the end of a chapter in our lives as we see Rachel graduate from elementary school and move onto Junior High. We have so loved the five kidos all together only a block away for all this time. Hunter has felt right at home playing soccer at recess with the 6th graders and will miss his big sister next year.

Brigham and Nathan are potty trained....and Lauren thinks she is (and could be if I would let her grow up) They do pretty well, although it seems as though I am doing laundry double since they were least less diapers!

Jerem has been busy with the point of interest if you're going to Antelope Island to camp, just know that......although rain is hard sometimes, rain is better than bugs. Jerem found out that although mosquitos don't really love his blood, gnats do. Extended version will have to come from him.

We are so excited about the upcoming babies to hold...they just don't stay little very long. Lauren is trying hard to keep up with Brig and Nate. She cracks us up with her long explanations of things that usually include about three real words. Our three little ones remind us daily of the excitement and joy we should have about ordinary things in our day. McKay and I laugh all morning long watching them run through the house excited and chanting about things like "soccer game tonight" or "bandaid for my owie". Nate is found always asking us, "is it getting late?", and if I tell him no because it is only 10am, he gets a mad face on and says, "yes it is mom, it's getting late". I find myself always answering him, "yes, Nate. It's getting late" and he is perfectly content with that. They are signed up for Itty Bitty Ball this summer for a few weeks to introduce them to the world of sports, much to Jerem's delight. He loves it when he drives in for lunch or after work and I'm out on the driveway practicing "hoops" or soccer with them.

We are really looking forward to Bear Lake next month! It will be so nice to be with everyone. I for one, am also excited for next week to stop wearing this boot on my foot. It hasn't been my favorite accessory, although I am grateful that my foot wasn't much worse.

Melissa has been keeping up with her violin and has actually found herself more comfortable in performing in front of people. After hearing all the kids in group lessons, I am so grateful that Melissa plays with good tone and pitch. She also had fun and did well with her dance recital. McKay has loved playing soccer with Hunter and has also started baseball. It has been fun this year to watch Spencer and Tanner play soccer together and see Jerem and Travis coach them. Hunter just learned how to do a round off & back hand spring in tumbling and loves to do it. He makes us laugh as he is the fastest to get to school on his "birthday bike" and first one to skid into the driveway only 3 minutes after school is out.

We love seeing most of you on Fast Sunday dinners and the kids are looking forward to helping Grandpa in the peach orchard more this summer. If you ever want a sweet, cool treat come on over this summer and Spencer will whip you up a sno cone with his "summer money making project".

Love, Jerem and Catherine & kidos