Thursday, May 21, 2009

The countdown is on!

Hello family!

We find ourselves on the final countdown for summer YEahooooeeee! We are thrilled! We have had our last couple of months full of dance recitals and soccer games, which have been busy and fun to watch the kids get better and better and have fun. It's been a stretch some nights on the creativity of dinner. Thanks Hyrum for showing up to one of Rachel's state cup games in Orem....even if it was the one where they really got creamed.

Lauren has learned to really clap and say "go ____"! It has been fun to see Spencer move up to the 11yr old BOY scouts and Hunter enter into cub scouts with their birthdays. Thanks for all of the family support with Hunter's baptism.

This is truly the end of a chapter in our lives as we see Rachel graduate from elementary school and move onto Junior High. We have so loved the five kidos all together only a block away for all this time. Hunter has felt right at home playing soccer at recess with the 6th graders and will miss his big sister next year.

Brigham and Nathan are potty trained....and Lauren thinks she is (and could be if I would let her grow up) They do pretty well, although it seems as though I am doing laundry double since they were least less diapers!

Jerem has been busy with the point of interest if you're going to Antelope Island to camp, just know that......although rain is hard sometimes, rain is better than bugs. Jerem found out that although mosquitos don't really love his blood, gnats do. Extended version will have to come from him.

We are so excited about the upcoming babies to hold...they just don't stay little very long. Lauren is trying hard to keep up with Brig and Nate. She cracks us up with her long explanations of things that usually include about three real words. Our three little ones remind us daily of the excitement and joy we should have about ordinary things in our day. McKay and I laugh all morning long watching them run through the house excited and chanting about things like "soccer game tonight" or "bandaid for my owie". Nate is found always asking us, "is it getting late?", and if I tell him no because it is only 10am, he gets a mad face on and says, "yes it is mom, it's getting late". I find myself always answering him, "yes, Nate. It's getting late" and he is perfectly content with that. They are signed up for Itty Bitty Ball this summer for a few weeks to introduce them to the world of sports, much to Jerem's delight. He loves it when he drives in for lunch or after work and I'm out on the driveway practicing "hoops" or soccer with them.

We are really looking forward to Bear Lake next month! It will be so nice to be with everyone. I for one, am also excited for next week to stop wearing this boot on my foot. It hasn't been my favorite accessory, although I am grateful that my foot wasn't much worse.

Melissa has been keeping up with her violin and has actually found herself more comfortable in performing in front of people. After hearing all the kids in group lessons, I am so grateful that Melissa plays with good tone and pitch. She also had fun and did well with her dance recital. McKay has loved playing soccer with Hunter and has also started baseball. It has been fun this year to watch Spencer and Tanner play soccer together and see Jerem and Travis coach them. Hunter just learned how to do a round off & back hand spring in tumbling and loves to do it. He makes us laugh as he is the fastest to get to school on his "birthday bike" and first one to skid into the driveway only 3 minutes after school is out.

We love seeing most of you on Fast Sunday dinners and the kids are looking forward to helping Grandpa in the peach orchard more this summer. If you ever want a sweet, cool treat come on over this summer and Spencer will whip you up a sno cone with his "summer money making project".

Love, Jerem and Catherine & kidos

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