Dear Family,
Natalie and I chose a name for this beautiful little girl this morning (Sunday) at 6:00am. We chose Elizabeth Lois Pitt. Elizabeth was in our top 4 names going into the delivery. I was really neutral on a name, clear up until she came out. Without even thinking about a name or 'who' she looked like, I had an amazingly strong impression that she was going to be named Elizabeth. Now for all that know me, you know that I kinda just do whatever works, or whatever I want. With Noah, he was Noah before we were pregnant and that was it. Easy. But with this girl, Nat and I were stuck. After Nat got out of post op, we talked a little bit about what name to use or who she looked like. Our top choices were Eliza, Elizabeth, Jane, Emily and Hannah. Despite the impression that I had, I decided that I would let things play out how they would. I really felt like Nat should have the major say in the name, after all, she's the one that has to go through so much to get this baby here. Nat was undecided, and for the next few days we tried out different names just to see how they fit. We finally got to come home, and were bummed to not have a name yet. After being home for a couple of days, we decided to each come up with a couple of top names and just decide. So just before I left for meetings Sunday morning, Nat said that the babies name should be either Elizabeth or Eliza and asked what I thought. It was then that I told her about my experience of feeling so strongly about the name Elizabeth. And that was it. The neat part about it is that Elizabeth is in the family. Though it's just a middle name, Elizabeth will always remind me of Mary. Now Mary, you may think it a bit strange that your name would be special to me given you present state. However, I will never forget that 'wonderful' year at Rick's College. I can't tell you how many times I heard how amazing you were. Beautiful, smart and so loving to all that were around you. I remember in Provo when you got called to different positions in the ward. You taught classes so great. I loved listening to you teach. So many people loved you there. I must of heard 100s of times how talented you were, how beautiful you were, how kind you were. The list goes on. So Mary, we are honored to use your name for our little princess.
Lois is the name of Nats grandmother, whom we both adore and respect. Lois was decided about 2 weeks ago, out of the blue, but we both felt really good about it.
Anyway, thanks for all your support and love. We sure feel blessed and are grateful for all you do for us.
With love, Ammon, Nat, Noah and Elizabeth.
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