Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Becoming Perfect

As I was running on the treadmill this morning listening to one of Pres. Eyring's conference talks from last conference, the thought came to me that I needed to share it with you all. So that is what I'm doing. The paragraphs below are just an excerpt from that talk which speaks about how we can ensure there are no empty chairs in the life to come.

Talk to you all soon!

In many of our homes, there are the words "Our Family Can Be Together Forever." There is a gravestone near my home of a mother and grandmother. She and her husband were sealed in the temple of God to each other and to their posterity for time and all eternity. The inscription on the gravestone reads, "Please, no empty chairs." She asked for that inscription because she knew that whether the family will be together depends on the choices each family member makes. The word "please" is there because neither God nor she can compel another to choose happiness. And there is Satan, who wants misery, not happiness, in families in this life and in the next.

My hope is to suggest some choices which may seem difficult but that would assure you that you have qualified for there to be no empty chairs in your family in the world to come.

First, I give counsel to husbands and wives. Pray for the love which allows you to see the good in your companion. Pray for the love that makes weaknesses and mistakes seem small. Pray for the love to make your companion's joy your own. Pray for the love to want to lessen the load and soften the sorrows of your companion.

Now, here is my counsel to children. The Lord gave you a commandment with a promise: "Honor thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee." It is the only one of the Ten Commandments with a promise. ...In every case, even if your life is not lengthened, its quality will be improved simply by remembering your parents with honor.

For all of us it may be hard to see in our lives an increasing power to love and to see ourselves becoming more like the Savior, our perfect example. You have felt it in your family when you asked the pardon of your spouse or forgave a child for some mistake or disobedience. These moments will come more often as you try to do the things you know Jesus would do. Because of His Atonement for you, your childlike obedience will bring a feeling of love of the Savior for you and your love for Him. That is one of the gifts that is promised to His faithful disciples. And this gift can come not only to you alone but also to the loving members of your family. The promise was given in 3 Nephi: "And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children."8

I hope you will go out today looking for opportunities to do as He did and to love as He loves. I can promise you the peace that you felt as a child will come to you often and it will linger with you. The promise is true that He made to His disciples: "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you." (Pres. Eyring, General Conference Oct 2009)

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