Monday, June 16, 2008

The Almost Married Bachelor - Part 2

I mentioned in my previous posting that I would include a letter I wrote about Jenna for her Bridal Shower. So here it is...

For as long as I can remember I dreamed of falling in love. I know this probably sounds weird coming from someone of the male gender, however when you have eight older brothers and sisters, you see them go through it and naturally desire the same. I always thought it would be a one time thing though. Like “bam,” you’re suddenly in love “There you go, that’s what you waited for.” And maybe in some cases that is how it goes. I however, consider myself lucky, because instead of a one time event, I have been able to fall in love with Jenna again and again, over and over, every single day.

One of the first things I fell in love with was the wrinkles on her nose when she smiles. Then I fell in love with her eyes. From then on I continued to fall in love with her sense of humor, her silliness, her spontaneity, and her little jigs she does when she gets excited. I fell in love with her desire to help others, the way she treated others, and the way others viewed her. I have fallen in love with her straight hair, her curly hair, and even when it gets greasy and she baby powders it. I have fallen in love with her kisses, her hugs, the way she likes to nibble on my ears and the little hand squeezes that are so subtle I think I only recognize them because I am anxiously waiting for them. I have fallen in love with the fact that she loves chocolate, the fact that she loves her family, and the fact that she loves kids. (Not in that particular order of course) I fell hard when I saw her play Nintendo and whip me in Donkey Kong, and even harder when she came to the door on our first date ready to dance the night away. I have fallen in love with her spirituality, her good nature, and because she fulfills to a “T” the standard my friends and I set out to find; she being “virtuous, lovely, of good report, and praiseworthy” and yes I sought after those things. I definitely fell hard for her little strut when she walks, and also her cute butt (I probably should say that but you all know it is true), then who could forget her “better than perfect vision,” or her sense of style and being able to pull off even purple shoes. In all honesty I believe it would be harder to not fall in love with Jenna, she is one of a kind and the one that I choose.

Tonight I was able to again see Jenna better than I ever have and fall soooo in love, I wonder if I will ever recover. I fell completely and entirely in love with Jenna’s ability to LOVE. She has a love for people so great and so extending, it makes me feel like the most honored man in the world to claim some of that love for myself. I imagine that these comments are no surprise to everyone listening to this letter. Though I shouldn’t gamble, we are in Vegas right… so I’d be willing to bet anything, that all you friends and family have witnessed, been the recipient of, or shared in Jenna’s love, maybe even when you didn’t deserve it. Since I am the one talking, or writing I guess I would like to be the voice, or the words in telling you Honey that we love you.

I am not sure if this was the type of letter that Rachel had in mind. It seems a lot more like a speech. But whatever it is I hope that it conveys a little bit of how I feel about Jenna. But now that I’m done, I would ask that you “Get back to the cute cards, the fruit plates, the small talk, and lingerie,” because boys aren’t supposed to be allowed at these types of events.



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