Monday, July 21, 2008


Hey Family,
Natalie, Noah and I sure do love it up here in the Pan-handle of Idaho.  Work is going well.  Church is keeping us both busy enough.  Some weeks we have 2 missionary discussions, and a new-member discussion in our home.  It's fun to be part of the missionary program so much.
Noah is doing great.  Still no words yet.  Funny, 3 months ago he said ball and bubbles, but a week later he resorted back to oooh and hasn't said a thing since.  His doctor said if he doesn't start talking by 18 months, to take him to a speech person.  Any suggestions by those who may have had a similar experience?  Otherwise, Noah is awesome.  I really see a lot of me in him, not really in looks, but in his personality and it's so fun.
Natalie is doing great in young womens, and daily shows how strong she is at staying on top of what's important.  She's so patient, loving, caring and compassionate to all who are around her.  She's a great example and I'm so lucky she's mine.
Work for me is going just fine.  I love my family and feel so lucky for all of our blessings.  We are waiting to here back from some landowners about our proposal to buy 25 acres of beautiful country.  As soon as we know, we'll let you all know.  It's pretty exciting.
We think of many of you a lot, and hope y'all are doing great. 
If anyone needs to get away and enjoy a little R and R, our house is always available.
Love you guys:  Nat, Ammon, Noah

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