Tuesday, May 20, 2008

April 2008 - Travis & Alicia

Time goes by faster and faster each month. We are sorry for the lateness of this entry. April came and went and we enjoyed having General Conference. It sure is nice to have multiple mediums to be able to turn back to that counsel and listen, read or watch conference and the messages from our leaders.

We are sorry to hear about the many trials that have been occurring in the family. Thankfully we have had a pretty low key April without many incidents occurring in our own family. This gives us opportunities to strengthen others and serve in word, action and prayer.

Very true some of Mom’s experiences as that hospital were a little to real for some things Alicia has regularly experienced, by way of procedures and tests. Mom we are glad you are recovering and how we love you.

The kids have truly loved seeing Grandpa’s resort unfold. Marshall loves all the chickens and wants to see them often. The kids love the play set and love the large swings and slide. Kids have still been busy with soccer, dance and end of the year school.

As a family we have been working on manners (again) and have enjoyed watching the children try to make it a habit as to the importance of having good manners in all different situations. We gave them two weeks to practice and record the times they showed good manners. As a reward we went as a family up to Park City and stayed overnight and played lots.

One of the rewards was having dinner at Park city at a nice restaurant. The kids were a little uncomfortable at first because it was so quiet and non their normal level of restaurant. They had real glass cups to which we were hopeful that we would have no accidents, but it was a great experience to let them have that chance to practice what they really had been working on. To our surprise it worked out to be a great experience. It gave us the chance to talk about why there are two forks, why a large spoon, about eating slowly, looking at the server to order, to say thank you when food came and how tipping worked and why it occurs (in the U.S.)

Life sure is busy as all can attest. We enjoy quiet time together as husband and wife to replenish the relationship. Happy Birthday to all those many birthday’s in April. Weather is getting so beautiful, we are loving the spring time. Wish all great blessings. To Hyrum, great wedding planning and to Ardi that this baby will come soon.


The Johnsons

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