Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Re: pool house

just a reminder I set up a new blog. you should have received an email that should say. you have been invited to the pittfamily11 blog. please accept and write for the month. mom is dying for pictures. love you all mir


>Family, We have arranged the pool house so that it will be easy for everyone to use. We put the calendar online at google calendars. The username is and the password is swimbabyswim. You will see when you go online that every family has their days assigned. Nights are reserved for that family after 5:00 pm. Before 5:00 pm it is open for anyone. We do ask that if you want to plan something please try to plan it on our families day and put it on the calendar. If you need to switch with another family please call or email them and then go switch it on the calendar. Everyone is a manager of the calendar so everyone can make changes. The hope is that with a greater visibility and the ability for each individual to schedule what they need the pool house will be used more and without any conflicts. If you have any questions please talk to me and I can try to explain them to you. Thanks Jason

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