Saturday, July 3, 2010


Hey fam,

In an effort to coordinate any activities here at the house, I just wanted to give a heads up--Sam's (extended) family is in town for a family reunion and I've invited them to have their family testimony meeting here tomorrow night since Paul and Martha's house isn't big enough to fit everyone.  They'll be here from about 6-10 pm.  (I just didn't want anyone to accidentally show up in the middle of it. :)  Also, I know Miriam is planning on having some friends over on Fri, July 9th, (at night) and then the next day out in the pool.   If there is anything else going on, just let me know.

Hope everyone is having a good 4th!


The New Busy is not the too busy. Combine all your e-mail accounts with Hotmail. Get busy.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...


We have a Jorgensen Family Reunion on the 17th, and Dad said we could use the pool that day if we wanted, so we will probably be over in the afternoon just in the pool house. Thanks for giving us a heads up!
