Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Hello family!  Yes, it has been such a long time since we wrote, and I know that Jason will never take his turn, and so it is Jenny writing again!  We just wanted to let everyone officially know that we are expecting a baby in September!  I am about 12 weeks along, and we are so excited.  As you know, I love babies and I hate pregnancies!  But so far this one has been a lot better than the rest.  I am feeling sick, but it doesn't seem to be as intense as in the past.  I know what you're thinking--it's a boy--hopefully!  But either way we will be happy to just have a healthy little baby.  Our kids are so thrilled.  Preston is very careful to always tell me how beautiful I look (even when I know I look awful)--he has learned that from his dad.  Madison kisses my tummy all the time and is so concerned about my health.  She is constantly saying things like, "Mom, you better lie down" or "Mom, can I get you anything that you crave?" or "Mom, go to bed and I'll clean the house!"  Kate just tells me every morning that my tummy is definitely getting bigger and I better be careful not to get too big!  And Tess thinks that she's pregnant too.  She goes around holding a throw up bowl and pretends to throw up in it and then she'll say things like, "My baby is tired, I better go get some rest" and "My baby is hungry, I better eat some fruit snacks."  She gets very offended when other people talk to me about my baby and not to her about hers.  She has also struggled with being a "big girl."  She refuses to go in the potty and today she sucked on a bottle all day--don't tell her dad!  I'm just letting her ride with it.  It would be hard to accept the fact that a new baby was coming to take your place in the family!  Anyway, I love you all and I am so excited to hear about Ammon and Natalie having a baby as well!  Keep in touch.  --Jenny

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