Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Hello family!  Yes, it has been such a long time since we wrote, and I know that Jason will never take his turn, and so it is Jenny writing again!  We just wanted to let everyone officially know that we are expecting a baby in September!  I am about 12 weeks along, and we are so excited.  As you know, I love babies and I hate pregnancies!  But so far this one has been a lot better than the rest.  I am feeling sick, but it doesn't seem to be as intense as in the past.  I know what you're thinking--it's a boy--hopefully!  But either way we will be happy to just have a healthy little baby.  Our kids are so thrilled.  Preston is very careful to always tell me how beautiful I look (even when I know I look awful)--he has learned that from his dad.  Madison kisses my tummy all the time and is so concerned about my health.  She is constantly saying things like, "Mom, you better lie down" or "Mom, can I get you anything that you crave?" or "Mom, go to bed and I'll clean the house!"  Kate just tells me every morning that my tummy is definitely getting bigger and I better be careful not to get too big!  And Tess thinks that she's pregnant too.  She goes around holding a throw up bowl and pretends to throw up in it and then she'll say things like, "My baby is tired, I better go get some rest" and "My baby is hungry, I better eat some fruit snacks."  She gets very offended when other people talk to me about my baby and not to her about hers.  She has also struggled with being a "big girl."  She refuses to go in the potty and today she sucked on a bottle all day--don't tell her dad!  I'm just letting her ride with it.  It would be hard to accept the fact that a new baby was coming to take your place in the family!  Anyway, I love you all and I am so excited to hear about Ammon and Natalie having a baby as well!  Keep in touch.  --Jenny

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Viemont's musical...AIDA

Hey fam,

I just wanted all of you to know that this year's musical at Viewmont is AIDA.  If you haven't seen this, (and even if you have) the music is incredible.  In fact, Ms. M might actually redeem herself this year as far as musical's go. :)  Also, Sam's little bro Lige is the male lead Radames.  He has a fabulous voice and will do a great job...sisterly bias aside.  The musical opens March 6th (a Friday) and runs through the following Saturday (with the exception of Wednesday night).  Mom said she'd be glad to pick up the tickets for anyone who would like to go, you'd just need to tell her how many, what night, etc. I'd love for you to be able to see Lige but I know sometimes these things are hard to get to. 
Also, tomorrow, Feb 23rd is Viewmon'ts Broadway concert.  It is at 7:30 pm at Abravenal Hall and it is free.  The broadway concert is always a fun one because you get to hear a variety of good broadway music.  It could be a fun FHE (well, for mom's and daughters maybe) so just thought I'd let you know.  Have a wonderful Sabbath and let me know if you have any questions or anything.
Love you,

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Friday, February 13, 2009

We forgot to add pictures with our last entry, so here are a few of our latest!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Browns

Well I havent written about all of us for a while so here it goes. Jordan
is doing good at work, actually last month was one of his b
est sales
months so we are
grateful. He is going to the Masters in April and he
is so excited. (He gets to watch Tiger Woods golf)
I am hanging in there if I need to be honest. I did get some hair extentions which help me feel pretty
on days that I dont
Dance is going good though. Our classes are
really fun.
Alicia is doing such a good job with Megs class.
Speaking of Meg she got her e
ars pierced the other day. Her and Kennahdy got
the ich and we let them. She definetly cried alot but she got through it. She already
has had to go to all of her girl friends houses to show them, her prettys she calls
She cracks me up.Jack has been loving school, and Im so glad. He loves doing homework and
going on the field trips. He loves structure its funny. Every morning he says
"So whats the plan for today mom. " Anyway he is sweet
Well I guess that is it for us. I hope you are all doing well and getting through these tough times of life. We will be blessed by doing the right. At least thats what Im counting on.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Live From American Fork

So, it's been my turn to do our periodical entry for oh. . . about 3 months now. So I thought that I would hopefully make up for my procrastination and write an entry right now on a Saturday night when I should probably be getting the house in order but too tired for that fun stuff. Anyway for the highlights.

Life continues onward for us with all its ups and downs. We've had some great moments the past three months as well as heart wrenching experiences.

We loved the holidays, it was great to see everyone during Thanksgiving and Christmas. We really enjoyed the outings with the family as well as the much needed down time at home. We stayed home the whole day of Christmas and loved every minute of it. Of course it helped that we got tons of snow that day!

January was filled with getting back into the swing of things. The kids were ready to get back to school, and I was ready for the routine--although it was sure nice to have the older kids home.

Ryan and I stay pretty busy with our callings, especially on Sundays. Our goal for the year is to figure out some way to make Sunday enjoyable even if we have to tag team meetings a good portion of the day. But we love our opportunities to serve and the Lord truly makes up for the time and effort we sacrifice in the work. I have loved being with the young women. They have so much promise and there is such a good light around them. My girls all beg to come to Tuesday night activities with me. So I take them occasionally and the just love it.

Ryan still has a job which we are extremely grateful for, as IBM laid off 15,000 employees this first quarter of the year. We get nervous, but then we remember that we are doing our best to live with-in our means, pay of our debt, and build our food storage. We've come to see how important trusting in the Lord is at this time of challenge in our world. It's nice to hear the kids say things like, "Mom, we don't need that DVD, we just want it." They have noticed a difference and we are grateful for their support and positive attitude about cutting back. We really haven't missed the Satellite service, and continue to realize each day how much of the good things we really have.

I stay busy with the Mom stuff, plus YW and dance. To great things happened for me this past month. I met my weight-loss goal, which feels good and have moved on to a maintaining goal. It's nice to feel like I have better control over my eating habits and that I can say no, and it's okay. The other great thing is I got the chance to spend a whole day at a Modern Dance Reunion at BYU. It was fun to catch up with old classmates, take a dance class, listen to panel discussions on mentoring and enjoy a wonderful concert of contemporary dance. I love dance! It was a much need retreat after a stressful month.

Rebekah had a great piano recital this past month. She even played a song that she composed herself. I love watching her grow and learn. She is such a good helper and a great friend.

Joshua has loved cooking this month. He will be in the kitchen anytime you need him or on his own creating and crafting up yummy treats. He is doing great in school and is looking forward to Spring soccer.

Lydia continues to love life. She enjoys every minute she can either with her friends or playing with her siblings. She is a great helper with Matthias and is always good for a kiss.

Sarah spent the month of January working on staying in her bed in the morning till Ry or I go and get her. She had been getting up at 5:00 - 5:30 each morning and it was killing us! She now gets up around 6:30 and remembers to wait. All her hard work was rewarded with a Bitty Baby which she has enjoyed taking care of. We love her girly ways and grateful for her princess personality.

Matthias (Ty) continues to grow and become such a big boy! He knows three signs now,for the words: milk, more, and please. He can say uh-oh and he loves to help. He loves using his hands and is always good for a game of swing-in-the blanket. We are so thankful he is a part of our family.

We've decided to make the Mutual theme this year 1 Timothy 4:12--Be thou an example our family theme. It should be a good one for this year

Well I think this lengthy entry has just made up for the past three months, and hopefully those of you reading this are still awake. We love all of you! We are happy for Aaron passing his boards, and are excited for their new adventure. We love seeing those of you close by. And if anyone is ever in the neighborhood we always visitors! Have a great February.

Love Ryan and Jenn