Sunday, September 7, 2008


Dear Family,
    Probably, when you see that I have written something, you don't want to read it because it is always so preachy.  I guess once a parent, always a parent, always trying to teach when you can and do all you can  to fill that responsibility.  Dad and I don't lead a very exciting life, full of tales to tell you all, but you knew that already.  I will say that there have been some things on my mind, and part of the reason I haven't written for awhile, is I get carried away.  You are all wonderful and we love you very much.  You and your families bring us much joy.  We love watching the kids grow and you grow as parents in your abilities and understanding.
    The last while I have thought about the big and spacious building.  For as long as I can remember, I have termed it "the world" or the bad stuff that is out there, but it seemed a little ways off, especially when I read the story in the Book Of Mormon.  People pointing fingers, laughing at our ways, scoffing at how we dress or talk or the goals we have.  Lately I have realized, that ole' big spacious building might not be so far away as we would like it to be.  In fact some of those people in the building may be some that go to church but during the week they laugh at us, point their fingers or see nothing wrong in looking and talking like the world.  The brethren have said that it is becoming harder and harder to tell the saints from the world because we are beginning to blend in a bit too much.   When we go to the temple and they turn on the lights a little more towards the end,  I think it is symbolic that we are asked to walk a higher path, one that sets us apart from the world.  The world slides in so carefully.  We don't even notice sometimes how quietly little things begin to change because we don't pay close attention or it becomes the "in" thing.
    Each week at the sacrament table we promise to keep the commandments. Not conveniently, "but always remember Him  and keep His commandments which He has given them."  It talks about exactness in keeping the commandments, and I see in my own life, if I am not careful, I begin to think something is not as bad as it used to be, because of .....there really aren't any excuses.  I think we have to be willing to be complete in our desire to do the right thing even if it is hard.  I ask myself some questions often and when totally honest some of the answers aren't what they ought to be.  Some of these questions are,  What does my heart really desire--really deep down?  What is most important to me?  What am I willing to do to make sure those important things come to pass?  Are the things most important in line with the teachings of the Savior?  Is Christ and His teachings really first in my life?  Do my children know  by what they see, hear, and participate in that Christ is the center of our family?  Is my house built upon the rock, or is the foundation starting to get sandy?                                             I think of the scripture included in the Young Women's theme, I will stand as a witness at all times, and in all things, and in all places and as I review my day I wonder if I have done that.  All of us can work on  becoming exact in keeping the commandments, being complete and full of integrity to ourselves and to others. 
    Really, we want no empty chairs at our table, including ours.  As I stated before we love you so very much and we recognize all the good you are doing.  You are serving your families, in your wards and stakes, and your communities.  You are doing so many good things.  Maybe this little rendition is just for me.  Love one another and stay true to the faith. We will always love you.                                                                Mom and Dad

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