Friday, April 23, 2010

Evvy's Blessing Reminder

Just a Reminder about Sunday. our sacrament meeting starts at one, and I will have seats saved in the front for everyone.
For dinner after here are the food reminders.
Cathy an Miriam Chicken
Jenny Spanish Rice
Jenn lettuce and tomatoes
Mom taco shells and chips
Alicia green salad
Nat dessert
Thanks Miriam

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Just so you know...

Hey Family!

We just wanted to let you know that we're going to be in town for a while. I figure that most of you don't know when we're here are the dates!

We'll be there on the 17th, Ammon will leave with the brothers on the 21st and then he'll leave for Moscow on the 26th and the kids and I will stay a little longer and fly out May 1st. Noah turns 3 on April 17th, so we're going to try to plan a little get together, maybe at the poolhouse...we'll let you know when and where. We know you're all busy, so don't worry about it if you can't come, we'll hopefully see everyone there at one time or another!

We can't wait to see you and sure love you all!

Ammon, Natalie, Noah, and Elizabeth