Sunday, November 23, 2008

Life Goes By Too Fast!

Can you believe that it is almost Thanksgiving? Life truly goes by too fast! Kate is going to be 5 in just a few days. I can't beleive it--my Baby Kate! Here's a quick update on life in our home:

1) Everyone is in tears over the BYU loss to Utah. Preston and Madison are scared to go to school because of the taunting from U o U friends! Jenny's voice is completely gone since she screamed for 4 hours straight at the game. And we have to come clean on some bets we made with the neighbors, so Jenny has to streak her hair red and make Utah cakes for about 5 different families!

2) Preston was in the Shakespeare production of "The Taming of the Shrew" at his school. They put on a mini-Shakespearean Festival with a greenshow, acrobats, music, and play. He did a great job, although we don't really think that acting is his thing!

3) Kate is having a bowling party with 12 of her closest firl friends to celebrate turning 5! She is so excited. She is loving preschool. This past fall she has learned how to make a pumpkin pie and even churn butter (skills that her mom is yet to take on)!

4) Tessa talks way too much. Yes, it is cute. . . but is never stops! She has an opinion on everythin and she already holds grudges! But she can get away with anything because of her face!

5) Jason is living vicariously through a brother-in-law who is buying a cruiser bike. One day!

6) Jenny is so dang excited for Christmas that she makes the family watch Christmas movies with her every night!

7) Madison has lost her two front teeth and she can't wait to get a retainer!

All is well at our home and we look forward to seeing more of everyone over the holidays!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Fall Dance Recital

I thought you all would want to see our cute, nieces at their dance recital. They did so good, Alicia and I were so proud of all of you. I guess I will speak for Alicia and I that we have had a fun time with the dance class these past few months. We will be starting up again in January. Good job girls we love you

Friday, November 7, 2008

We're Moving

Well, we were officially offered a position up in Dyersburg and we decided to take it. The other CRNA's and employees were fantastic. The CEO is 35 and has 3 kids the same ages as ours. He said the branch is small, but great. The atmosphere is great. The town has a nice feel and we're excited for the change. The group here in Memphis was sad to see me go, but they were very understanding and wished me the best. Our realtors are coming over Monday night to strategize, and we will be putting the house up for sale in February. Ardith met with the school principal, and was impressed with their set-up. Housing is very affordable, and land is plentiful. It will be a nice change. We'll talk to you all soon. Here's a picture of what Allison likes to do with endotracheal tubes. Not quite what the manufacturer had in mind, but it is a fashion statement. Love, The Ketchers

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Hello Y'all

Well, I can't believe it's less than 5 weeks to graduation. I can still remember our fiasco move to Chicago to start this 5 year process, and now the end is here. Since graduation is the same day as Matthew's birthday, he and I are going to have quite the party. Ice cream and cake galore! Over a year ago, we took a job with a group in Memphis. Just a week ago, we were approached by a smaller hospital up in Dyersburg, which is about 70 miles north of us. It's an all CRNA group that needs some more help. The other LDS guy in my class took a job up there, and so we decided we would check it out. It's a great clinical opportunity, as there are no other anesthesia providers. It's just you, managing everything, doing everything we've been trained to do. They asked the entire family to come to an all-day interview this Tuesday. They sent a wonderful itinerary, where Ardith and the kids get to meet with the principal of the school, go see some parks, all while I'm checking out the anesthesia department and facilities. They have lunch for all of us, a realtor to show us around town, and then we all meet with the CEO of the hospital (who is LDS and in the branch up there). We will let you know how it goes. We met with Kenna's teacher who said she is wonderful to have in class. She is always participating, behaves well, and will always help out. It made us feel nice. Allison loves preschool. One of the girls in our ward runs a preschool from home. She made her finished attic space into a classroom, and Allison loves it. The teacher has a little two year old and he and Alli have become the best of friends.  It's fun to see Alli so concerned and protective of this little boy!  Matthew got sick a while back and as it usually does, once one gets sick we all get sick. So for the past 2 weeks and going we've been battling colds and the croup.  If I hear one more person cough. . . . . . Caleb started eating rice cereal and I am a very proud parent to say that he LOVES it!  I was so scared we'd have another Matthew, but he's doing great.  He is such a cute little boy, and I can't believe he is already 5 months old, he's almost sitting up and is just so adorable.   We hope everyone will have a nice Thanksgiving, and we'll keep you posted!