Friday, August 29, 2008


Dear family,
    What did I tell you, this past week flew by.  It truly amazes me how fast the weeks go.  Well, transfer calls were last night and both Elder Williams and I are safe.  We'll continue serving together here in So. Royalton for at least another 6 weeks.  We are excited about it.  We are however changing houses.   We will be living with the former Bishop and his wife now.  So that will be a bit of a change.  We are working on coming up with some new goals and plans for this new transfer.
    Mom I think I'm pretty much fine as far as clothes go.  Although, new ties will never be turned down.  As far as things for my birthday, you could probably just save all the money and put it towards the purchase of a laptop when I get home or something cool like that.
    So I will start with the update on Wayne.  He is so amazing.  He is reading from the Book of Mormon most every night as well as praying and he's come to church 3 times now.  He has the best most sincere questions and he agrees with everything we teach.  He basically knows most of the gospel, but just doesn't know that he knows it.  He fed us dinner this past week and we met his wife.  She is really nice but isn't too interested yet.  She is Catholic and she works on Sundays.  Wayne will have some Word of Wisdom issues to overcome, but we are confident in the converting power of the gospel.  He is a joy to teach.  We just need to be able to teach him more often. 
    Oh, mom, I just thought of something.  It would be nice to have some thank you cards to give people.  I think you can buy like cheap ones in packs of 25.  I can't find any out here but if you could maybe send some sometime, that would be great. 
    Alright, back to the update.  We had a really good week.  We found 10 people who said we could come back.  We are hopeful that a few will work out.  We'd love to be able to teach more than just one person.  But we are still grateful that we even have one.
    We are working on trying to be more united in our teaching Elder Williams is a little quiet so we are trying to find ways so that we are always both talking whether it be on doorsteps or in lessons. 
    This week there was a neat experience.  A woman in the ward passed away due to cancer leaving behind a husband and 6 young kids. (That is not the neat part.)  What was neat was the way the family handled it.  They have been so strong and amazingly at peace.  They have a real testimony of the plan of salvation and it shows.  The husband is really into missionary work and so the whole funeral was centered around that.  All the talks were basically letting people know what we believe and how that can bring peace.  There was a dinner after so all the nonmembers could mingle with the members.  It was really neat that this man, Bro. Dunkle, truly sees the importance of missionary work.  Enough so that he would be willing to use his wife's funeral as a way to teach others the gospel.  He is an amazing man.  I do feel bad for their family though.
    Exciting news, Elder Dennis B. Neuenschwander of the seventy is coming to the mission in a few weeks.  He will be speaking at our Zone conference.  The weath has finally gotten better.  It reained for about two months straight but we've been dry for a few days now so that has been nice. 
Alright, I think I'll end on a spiritual note.  I gave a talk in District meeting on the doctrine of testimony so I will share a few highlights.  Just like our faith, our testimonies must always be centered on Jesus Christ in relation to the judgment.  We must gain a testimony of Christ and stay true to it.  Christ who was our perfect example also had to gain a testimony of himself.  In Jesus the Christ, it talks about how Christ had to gain a knowledge of His divine role and who He really was.  He had to stay close to the spirit and pray often to gain this testimony.  Satan's temptations were also temptations for Christ to doubt or deny that testimony he had received.  Satan, likewise, wants to get us to doubt our testimonies of Christ because they are so important.  I believe that our testimony of other things is only as strong as our testimony of the Savior and His role in our lives.  We must continually cultivate and strengthen that testimony throughout our lives.
    I want all of you to know that I know that Jesus Christ truly is the Savior and Redeemer.  He loved us all enough to make an atonement for us so that we can be with God and our families forever.  I know that Christ is the Son of God and the only way back to Heavenly Father.  I'm grateful for His perfect example. 
    Well, family, I sincerely love you all.  I hope that things go well as you all transition back into the school year.  I am well and happy and wish the same for all of you.                                                                                                                           Love, Elder Pitt

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Sunday, August 24, 2008

Bear Lake

We just wanted to thank mom and dad for all the work they put into letting us go up to Bear Lake again this year. We had so much fun, despite the few who were sick, the rest of us had a blast, here are some pictures we had, that are fun to see. We loved spending time with all

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Dear family,                                                                                                                                           August 11, 2008
    Is it P-Day already?  Wow, days go by so slow but the weeks just fly by.  I decided that P-Days are the most stressful day of the week.  There is alwys so much to do I almost don't look forward to them.  ha ha.  I wanted to thank all those who sent things this week.  The mailbox was consistently full so that was great.  I love the pictures and notes from the little kids.  They are the best. 
    Well, for sake of time I will launch right in to the miracle story of the week.  For a couple weeks now we have been praying and fasted for just one someone who has been prepared and really wants to learn.  In the Book of Mormon I read about Amulek's conversion and decided that was who we were out to find, someone like Amulek. 
    Well, after praying to find someone like Amulek we received a referral from Salt Lake City for a man named Wayne Olado.  He wanted a Book of Mormon after visiting temple square.  Well, we visited him this week and he told us all about how he spent two and a half days at temple square while his wife was in a convention.
    He is a contractor and has done really well in life.  But as he told us, he has always felt like there ought to be something more to life than making money and working.  He said that he has been looking for real peace and happiness and that the people in SLC had it.
    He came to church on Sunday and had a tour up at the JSM.  He enjoyed it all pretty well.  We can't meet with him this week because of his work but he said he might come next week to church. 
    Obviously it is really early yet and there is likely to be a stumbling block or two but we feel like he is the answer to our prayers.  Now we have begun to pray that Satan will be held back until Wayne can gain a strong testimony.  Pray for him too.
    God answers prayers.  We are excited to have someone to teach.  We pray that we will be humble so that things can move forward.  On that note, I'm grateful that this is God's work and that I'm just an instrument.  Have a wonderful week.  I love you all.
                                                                                                                                       Love, Elder Pitt

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Friday, August 15, 2008

Bear Lake

Ear Family,
    Hope everyone is excited for our Bear Lake extravaganza.  Here are some things to help us be organized. 
1.  Label everything you bring.  Last year taught us that although we are family we can lose things.
2.  If you have life jackets for your family, please bring them with you.  We are trying to have enough so when we are down to the lake all can be having fun at the same time. 
3.  Bring an umbrella if you have one that is big enough to stick in the sand and shade us.  We have a canopy, but in the bear lake wind it didn't do much.
4.  Bring jackets for all.  The nights have been getting chilly there.
5.  Every family will be in charge of food for breakfast and lunch for their own family.  We will combine for dinner. (see schedule)
6.  We have some lawn games but if you have something appropriate your may bring it at your own risk!
7.  Sand castle toys are always fun.  We have some left from last year we will bring.

Tuesday:  Grandma and Grandpa

Wednesday:  Catherine and Miriam

Thursday:  Jenny, Jenn,and  Alicia  (it will be our biggest night)

Friday:  For those who are left, perhaps there will be left overs like last year

Dad and I, Isaac, and Travis' Family will be coming home Friday.  Dad and I fly out to Portland Sat., Isaac has a hockey game Friday, and Travis and Family have some rehersals on Sat. for our Stake musical which you are all invited to see.  (Sept. 18, 19, and 20) I don't know if there are others.  We have to be out on Sat. by noon, but if a family wants to keep having fun hey! sounds good.
   We are going up on Tues. and some of the older kids might be invited to come.  We found a lake with a rope swing, a small stream to fish and a cave if we want to go.  It is a ways a way.  We will let you know those details soon.  Travis will be bringing the boat, ( or us depending on how many kids come) and Jason the jet skis.  We hope to have a great time and a safe time. 
    If I have forgotten anything I will let you know, or you can e-mail or call with questions.  Every couple has their own place to stay this year so that will be a bit different, but hopefully good too.  See ya next week!
                                                                                                                   Mom and Dad

p.s.  I know this went to some of you who are unable to be with us this year.  We hope we can get this on the calendar earlier next year so maybe you can join us.  We love you Ammon and Natalie,  Ardi and Aaron, and Hyrum and Jenna.

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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Eight is Great!

Hello everyone!

I think the big news since the last time we wrote is: YES Lauren can walk!! I told her that Nursery would be rough if we didn't spend more time working on it at home. Although I kinda missed the "Frankenstein Walk" stage, it was pretty funny to see her just decide one day she was going to do it, and on July 4th she officially took off. I think Lauren was holding out for the holiday too so that it would be easier on her dear mother to remember exactly when it all started. She has officially gone to two weeks of Nursery as well (ok, she only stayed one hour the second week, but hey). The last few weeks have been incredibly crazy as Jerem and I have completely tag teamed. First he was at Scout camp for a week, then Rachel, Melissa and I went to Cedar City for a few days and then Jerem and Dad went fishing. phew. It will be so fun to be all together at Bear Lake for a last hurahh before school starts.

Thanks to Papa Pitt, I've been reading a lot about family work and establishing the cause of Zion. To have these quotes running through my mind like that all day and making more divine what I am doing continually has been a real blessing. So easily do we lose perspective. It also made me so grateful for the examples of Mom and Dad Pitt, who seem to never lose perspective. I'm grateful for a good home, I'm grateful for Jerem who I'm ever so indebted to my Heavenly Father for giving me to, I'm grateful for little people to snuggle with and who forgive and love so easily, I'm grateful for the gospel, I'm grateful for a wonderful family who I learn from and love so much, I'm grateful for rocking chairs and reading the cross-stitch that Grandma Marshall made for me "Cleaning & Scrubbing can wait till tomorrow....", and when cleaning can't wait till tomorrow....I'm grateful for magic erasers and 409 and washing machines and vacuums, I'm grateful for ancestors who have gone ahead and shown us that even when life is really really hard, that through Divine help we can make it.....and we should turn to that example in conquering hard things now although usually not as physical as their's were, and I'm grateful for our Savior who has shown us the way and made it possible to live with Heavenly Father again. We love you all and pray for you. Thank you for who you are and how that makes raising our family so much easier and better.

Love, Catherine and Jerem

Friday, August 8, 2008

Happenings from American Fork

Dear Family,

While I have a magical moment I thought I would post our entry for August. July was a full month and we are so amazed at how much can happen in one month.

First, thank you to everyone who came down and supported Joshua in his decision to be baptized. What a special day that was and we are so thankful for all of our family and the love they give us!

As most of you know I got a new calling this past month. I have the opportunity to serve as the young women's president in our ward. I am loving the calling and learning so much! The girls I get to serve are amazing and I feel lucky to spend Sundays and Tuesdays with them. Ryan has been a trooper having to shoulder the night time and Sunday family load a bit more. I couldn't ask for a better husband!

We also had the chance to go to a Jorgensen family reunion at Bear Lake that was awful for the parents and lots of fun for the kids. Our sleeping conditions were of such that neither of us parents slept more than 1 to 2 hours and Rebekah & Matthias managed to not sleep much either. Top that off with the problems I have been having with my eyes as late, getting the van stuck etc . . . we left the trip a night early so that we could get some sleep. It all worked out and like I said the kids had a fantastic time playing with new cousins (my cousin's kids) that it worked out just fine. I still am having problems with my eyes but we are going to a different doctor on monday and I hope he can help me out more than my optomotrist was able to. And we are all looking forward to an opposite experience at Bear Lake in a couple of weeks.

We want to thank Mom and Dad again for taking the time to come down and be with our kids while Ryan and I got to go celebrate a belated anniversary. We had a great time going to dinner and then to the Martina McBride concert where we had awesome seats and got to hear great music! It was nice to have a night out where we didn't have to worry about the kids and just spend time together. It's been a while for that to happen.

The kids are doing great. Matthias got his first tooth, he's only 11 months :) and the kids are ready to start school in a week. Soccer started for us this past week! Dance starts back up in about two weeks! Can we believe that fall is right around the corner?!

Ryan and I are planning on running a relay marathon with some friends of ours. So we have been having fun with running with friends, and looking forward to the challenge.

Not much else going on here. I know I am looking forward to seeing everyone at bear lake. It feels like forever since I have seen many of you and we sure do miss you!

Hope you all have an amazing August and know that we love you down here in AF.

Love Jenn, Ryan, and the crew
Dear family,
    I'm sorry but this might just be the shortest letter yet.  We finally had enough miles to go do many of the things that we've been needing to do.  So that took up a lot of time.  More than expected.  It is amazing how quickly P-days go.
    Well, the theme of this past week was referrals.  We talked about them in district meeting and also the assistants gave us some advice on them.  So we really did our best to apply the things we were learning and ask for referrals as often as we could remember/  We saw many miracles from doing so. 
    We found a couple people this week who might actually be interested so we will hope and pray that things go well when we visit them again.  The one investigator we have (Timmy) is still really struggling with WOW problems and doesn't seem too motivated to change, so we will see.
    Many of the testimonies at church were about missionary work so that got us excited.  Hopefully the ward will begin to get more excited and involved.
    Well, family the time is continuing to tick so I must be going.  Thanks to all who have written lately.  I will try to write back some of the nieces and nephew soon but in the mean time, thanks for all the presents and notes.  I absolutely love them.  Thank you all for your prayers and love.  I wish you the best.  Until next week.                                                                                                                    Much love, Elder Pitt

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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Mary's Musings

Hmmm...what to talk about this month. Oh yeah, I turned 28. far it's pretty much the same as 27. Happy Birthday to
Jenna who has the best birthday in the whole world as well, and is now
officially no longer a teenager. Let's see...I had an article come
out in the Wasatch Women magazine. I know I showed a couple of you,
but if you haven't had a chance to read it, it should now be out in
stores. It has a picture of Jill Stevens (Miss Utah) on the front.
It is an article written by Brooke Walker (a host for Studio Five)
about eating disorders. I would be interested to hear your reactions
to it. I am pretty pleased with how it turned out, particularly
because it focused on perfectionism, OCD, and an eating disorder being
a product of that vs. just wanting to be skinny. I think in this
mormon culture, perfectionism is a big reason for a lot of the ills
that are in effect. Anyway, I hope it can be helpful to someone.
I have quit going to my neurofeedback brain therapy. Once again my
doctors and I hit a wall and "they just don't understand why my brain
reacts so differently than they expect and usually see." Hence, they
just don't know what more to do with me...and I can't blame them, I
certainly know how that feels. Oh well.
I am excited for Hyrum and Jenna to be returning to Utah soon--it will
be fun to have them around more. Miriam and Jordan, so sorry to hear
about your basement--and your lawn. When it rains it pours. Ryan and
Jen and family, hope you are all feeling better. It's always fun to
have Jason around more when his family is gone (though we miss Jenny
and the kids). Leesh and Trav, your mailbox looks great on your
doorstep :). We miss the Tennessee-ites as always and I can't believe
I haven't even seen my latest nephew yet. I'm excited for Kenna and
Alli (and mostly Ardi!) to be starting school for the first time soon.
If any of you haven't heard Melissa play the violin yet, you should
ask her to play for you. She's a concert violinist in the making.
And, I think that's about all. Love you guys--thanks for all your
prayers and support.
Love always,

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Johnson's July

The summer seems to be going by quickly…school is just around the corner and I am doing the unthinkable…sending my baby to kindergarden, which means all the kids will be in school, and yes that means a little more free time, but it also means that the kids are growing quickly and before we know it, they will all be teenagers and then missionaries, and married, and wow!....I just hope to live to see it all.  But like Jenny always says to the kids, “you can’t get older…you can’t grow big….you have to stay my baby forever.”   Sometimes I wish I was back in the olden days of 4 kids 5 and under, all at home, all right where I can see them.  But then again, it is so much fun to watch them get bigger.  Their appetites are bigger…(a little crunch on the food budget)  There brains get bigger…as they are so smart in so many ways.  There skills get bigger, as we have watched Tanner advance in guitar and Marshall play in soccer tournaments.  And their testimonies are getting bigger…as we watched Friends and Family of Kymbles get baptized and Tanner got to go to scout camp with Travis and learn a lot of great things.   We survived the Johnson Family Reunion which was at our house.  The kids loved playing with cousins for 4 days…loved the day on the lake, and of course g-ma and g-pa “j” whom we don’t get to see very often.  Thanks to mom and dad for letting us swim and eat and watch movies and borrow tables and chairs.  You are constantly serving us and we appreciate it.  We are looking forward to Bear Lake and hope to see most of you there.  And those that aren’t…we always miss you, talk about how we miss you and hope to someday see you there as well.  Till next time…signing off…The Johnson Crew


Travis Johnson

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Monday, August 4, 2008

I forgot to give you Jordan's new address.  It is Elder Jordan Pitt
                                                              P.O. Box 887
                                                              South Royalton, VT

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jordan's letters

Dear family,                                                                                  July 21, 2008
    Just so you all know I won't be able to check my e-mail while I'm in this area.  All the libraries nearby are closed on Mondays.  So---break out those pens again and give the old fashioned way a try.
    I guess i"ll just give you all the brief about the new area.  The area itself is a tough area.  It is huge geographically but there are basically no big towns so all the houses are spread out.  It is close to where Joseph Smith was born.  The church building is by the monument so I'll be there at least every week.  
    The teaching pool.  There is only really one man we are teaching and he has been taught for months and months.  Hopefully we can help him finally decide to be baptized but he has some big word of wisdom issues he'll need to overcome. 
    the members.  There hasn't been a baptism in a long time so the members aren't too fired up but there are some really nice people here.    They  are trying to get the ward more excited about missionary work.  There are some members who have already said they will help us out when we need it so that's good. 
    The living arrangements.  We live in the basement of the Bishop's house.  He is really young and kind of interesting but he is     a good guy.  His family is up in Canada right now so we haven't met them.  (His wife is Canadian.)
    Transportation.  We do not have close to enough miles.  The area is just too big so it will be tough.  We drive a 2008 chevy Malibu which is nice but the past two Elders used most of the miles so we have been biking a lot.  Apparently missionaries here have to bike in order to be able to do everything they want.  Biking has been tough especially in the rain but our spirits haven't been dampened even if everything else has. 
    The companion.  Elder Williams is from Sandy, Utah.  He has only been out one transfer (6 weeks)  but he is an awesome kid.  He wants to work hard and be obedient so we are getting along very well.  I like him a lot.
    We have been working really hard trying to figure out who's who and where's where as well as trying to find people, to teach.  We haven't had a lot of success yet, but it really isn't getting us down.  We are happy and we know we will see miracles soon.
                                                                                                                                                    Love Elder Pitt

Dear Family,                                                                                                                July 28, 2008
    Another week come and gone.  The New Englanders are beginning to talk about how winter is just around the corner.  I can't really believe that but I guess it is not too far. I'm just excited for the fall that comes between then and now. 
    I think that I probably worked harder last week than any other week of my mission and in all the areas, that is, spiritual, physical, mental, social.  But I can also say that I haven't been too much happier (at least consistently) at any other time than I am now.  I truly feel live I am giving it my all and doing my best.  That doesn't mean there isn't room for improvement though, because there certainly is.
    The brethren have said that in Northeast North America missionaries ought to be teaching at least 20-25 lessons a week.  I don't believe I have ever done that in my 6 months out so it's definitely a challenge.  Bur Elder Williams and I are taking it personally and we created a plan that I think will help us achieve our goal.  We've seen some improvement but we still have a ways to go.
    President Jensen came out teaching with us for one lesson this past week which was cool.  The assistants also came and tracted with us.  On one day we biked 32 plus miles and on another we walked probably 15 or more.  Timmy, our one real investigator, come to church yesterday.  The members have been feeding us fairly well.  We sat down and talked with one of the senior couple missionaries here (there are many) and talked about what they do.  (Mom and Dad, I'm excited for when you can go.)  We had interviews with the President this week.  We also found a few potential investigators. 
    I really don't have too much to say and I kinda feel bad about it.  I know my letters have been short lately.  Maybe that's a sign that I'm working hard or maybe just that the work is a bit slow in this area.  Maybe a little of both , I don't know.
    Elder Williams and I are trying to consistently pray that we will find at least just one person who is actually really interested in learning.  Just one that we can really focus on teaching and progressing.  We'd appreciate your prayers, too.  I love you all.
                                                                                                                                            Love, Elder Pitt

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